Bamberg/Fürth, April 26, 2024 – Im Rahmen eines Richtfestes im neuen Stadtviertel auf dem Lagarde-Campus in Bamberg präsentierte der Projektentwickler P&P Group am gestrigen Donnerstag den aktuellen Baufortschritt von über 300 Eigentumswohnungen. In etwa ein Drittel der Sunshine Lofts ziehen die Bewohner bereits zum kommenden Jahreswechsel ein. Die restlichen Einheiten werden dann abschnittsweise über noch ein weiteres Jahr hinweg fertiggestellt. Bambergs Oberbürgermeister Andreas Starke und der Projektleiter der Stadtwerke Bamberg Stefan Loskarn erläuterten im Rahmen der Veranstaltung, wie wichtig das Projekt für die Stadt ist. Die P&P Group ist einer der Immobilienpartner, die auf dem 20 Quadratkilometer großen ehemaligen Kasernengelände für ca. 2400 Menschen eines der innovativsten Stadtquartiere Europas errichten.
"People with different housing needs and preferences can live together in this quarter. The result is a modern, vibrant and liveable residential offering," emphasizes Eva-Maria-Zurek, CEO of the P&P Group. To make this possible, the P&P Group mixes a wide range of apartment sizes, from one-bedroom apartments with 21 square meters to spacious family accommodation with four rooms and 97 square meters "Families and single people can live there, older and younger people. This coexistence is what makes a neighborhood so appealing and attractive in the long term. All partners who are helping in these challenging times deserve special recognition for their good cooperation and flexibility," adds Eva-Maria Zurek.
The central location in the UNESCO World Heritage Site and university city is extremely significant and is undergoing a historical transformation. For almost 70 years, the Lagarde barracks were home to thousands of American soldiers and their families. German Reich barracks had stood on this site since the end of the 19th century. "The end of the time as a garrison town and the emergence of an urban quarter is a great opportunity for Bamberg's urban development. On the Lagarde, a forward-looking quarter with a model character for the whole of Germany is being created: a mix of housing, services, government offices, medical care and culture," Mayor Andreas Starke emphasized: "A coherent overall concept and good cooperation with real estate developers is of great importance because Bamberg, as a historically grown city, has a real space problem and is also a swarm city. We have already exceeded the 80,000 inhabitants mark. That is why many hopes are pinned on the new urban quarter on the site of the former Lagarde barracks. Good cooperation with the stakeholders involved, such as the P&P Group, is essential." The new central housing offer is also important for economic development: "In the region and the city of Bamberg itself, there are market-leading companies that want to offer their employees attractive offers on the housing market. It is worth taking a look at the Lagarde here," says Starke.
"The new district is exemplary in terms of both energy and mobility," emphasizes Eva-Maria Zurek. Up to 80 percent of the energy required is generated directly in the district through a combination of geothermal energy, wastewater utilization, heat pumps, photovoltaic systems, combined heat and power plants and advanced storage management. "This combines efficiency, climate protection and high security of supply," emphasized Stefan Loskarn, project manager at Stadtwerke Bamberg during the event: "Centrally planned parking lots and traffic-calmed zones are also particularly progressive in terms of mobility. "This allows pedestrians to keep to themselves in many areas and at certain times. That means a high quality of life." The district also focuses on bicycle preference and the progressive sharing of e-mobility, including e-scooters and e-cargo bikes. die Kombination von Erdwärme, Abwassernutzung, Wärmepumpe, Photovoltaik-Anlagen, Blockheizkraftwerk und fortschrittlichem Speicher-Management bis zu 80 Prozent der benötigten Energie direkt im Viertel erzeugt. „Dies verknüpft Effizienz, Klimaschutz und hohe Versorgungssicherheit“, betont Stefan Loskarn, Projektleiter der Stadtwerke Bamberg im Rahmen der Veranstaltung: Zentral geplante Parkhäuser und verkehrsberuhigte Zonen sind auch in Sachen Mobilität besonders fortschrittlich. „So können Fußgänger in vielen Bereichen und zu bestimmten Zeiten unter sich bleiben. Das bedeutet hohe Lebensqualität.“ Das Quartier setzt zudem auf Fahrrad-Präferenz und das fortschrittliche Sharing von E-Mobilität, inklusive E-Rollern und E-Lastenrädern.
Neben Energieeffizienz und moderner Mobilität bieten die Wohnungen Balkon, Loggia oder eine Terrasse mit Gartenanteil. Beispiele moderner Ausstattung sind der Design-Vinylboden, die Fußbodenheizung mit Einzelraumsteuerung, bodentiefe Fenster inklusive elektrischer Rollläden. „All diese Vorteile sorgen für große Nachfrage nach den Sunshine Lofts“, sagt Christoph Langfritz, CIO der P&P Group: „Fast die Hälfte aller Wohneinheiten sind bereits verkauft, sowohl an Selbstnutzer als auch Kapitalanleger. Das zeigt, dass unser Konzept ankommt.“ So startet mit dem Richtfest auch die nächste Vertriebsphase.
For Eva-Maria Zurek, the development in Bamberg is also an impressive sign of the P&P Group's capabilities: "We can implement projects reliably, flexibly and quickly, even in challenging times on the real estate market, because our structure has proven itself. This includes, for example, the individual awarding of construction contracts, a stable subcontractor network built up over decades and the use of technical in-house expertise in a construction and planning department. This pays off particularly well on a project like the Lagarde Campus."
Contact person for media:
Wolfgang Ludwig
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 124
50829 Cologne
Phone: +49 (0)221 – 292 19 282